Why Flash is Dead and HTML5 is the Way to Go

Why Flash is Dead and HTML5 is the Way to Go

Adobe’s love affair with it’s Flash format has come to an end.

In Adobe’s official announcement, they wrote, “HTML5 is universally supported on major mobile devices, in some cases exclusively. This makes HTML5 the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across mobile platforms. “

HTML5 has gone from strength to strength, winning major support from YouTube, who announced that HTML5 is the default for its videos; Facebook, who announced it was shifting from Flash to HTML5; Google, who stopped supporting Flash entirely in its Chrome browser in 2016; Amazon, who recently banned Flash advertising content on its site; even Adobe, who changed the name of its Adobe Flash Professional CC, now called Adobe Animate, specifically targeted at HTML5 development.

Recently it has also become a challenge where Google Display Adverts were not accepting Flash animated ads. But never fear we’ve found the solution– Google Web Designer.

You can learn and master coding, but it requires a lot of your time, effort and patience. With Google Web Designer, (a program for Windows, Mac and Linux) it makes the job so much easier!

Perfect for creating interactive HTML5 ads and other HTML5 content, it offers a GUI (Graphical User Interface) with common design tools, such as a Text tool that integrates with Google Web Fonts.

Why it’s great to use:

  • It’s completely free.
  • A reasonably good interface.
  • Great for Ad and Banner design.
  • You can quickly create prototypes.
  • Easy to create animations.

Check it out here:
