Professional Services Facebook Page: Number of Posts per Week on Facebook

Professional Services Facebook Page: Number of Posts per Week on Facebook

We get asked this all the time, so it’s time to blog about it….


How many times should a professional services business post on Facebook weekly to not get lost but not become irrelevant or overbearing


It all depends on the content, and the understanding the use of Social Media vs Social Networking.

First thing to understand: Social Media works better than Social Networking.
Social Media: Using the social channels to broadcast ie Advertising Media
Social Networking: Using social channels to networking or interact to your fans/followers
Facebook social content is throttled to 1% of your fans, then starts to go up (maybe to 15%) if your content is engaging and liked.

We have two methods that get the results we need:

1) Social Media:
We use the best performing creatives (ie 3 best Social Media ads) and keep rotating them every three days (and limit the frequency).

2) Social Networking:
If you can tell good stories, and have a narrative that aligns with the brand, then regular posts are great.
For Social Networking, we suggest 3 pillars of content a week as a minimum (ie 3 posts that convey the brand from different narratives).
Never push product or services when networking.
You will loose. Both socially and your brand integrity.

See the latest post on Creating Contagious Content

The amount of times a brand should post depends on the brand itself and the social platform, however, studies indicate the below:
Instagram: 1-2 times per day
LinkedIn: 1 post per day
Facebook: 1 post per day
Pinterest: Up to 11 pins daily – it is advisable to re-share other pins and not just share your own pins.
Twitter: 15 Tweets daily – most retweets occur within 1 hour after tweeting, therefore a higher daily frequency is best.
These exclude “Stories”.